Friday, September 24, 2010


This is my Logo design for My snowboard company called ALP, My initials.

This logo i was looking for a clean flowy, kinda pop feel. I then decided to add the mountian to make it more of a winter feel for my snowboard

This second logo i was looking for a continuous
in the clean, flowy logo but with a bit of fun mess added to it. Then i decided to add a feminine flare to it.

For this logo i was looking for more of a retro new look, with a bit of pop in it. The first was more clean cut so for the second i decided to add a bit
more fun pop to it.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Original photo is of Magalie Dubois, she rides for Nikita. I found the photo on google. Don is that ok?

I used the pen tool to make organic shapes for 99% of the project. I used a black vector box for the background.